
User Manual


  1. Playlists menu
  2. Videos menu
  3. Media Player
  4. Extra

Playlists menu

Playlists Menu

This menu allows users to create and visualize all the playlists, and to open a playlist, you can simply do a left-click on it.

How to create a playlist

  1. Click Main menu > New Playlist or use the CtrlN shortcut.
  2. In the general tab, fill the playlist name.
  3. In the sources tab, use the add button to select a directory containing videos.
  4. In the bottom of the window click the add button to save the playlist.


  • All paths (and playlist names) containing the pipe | character will be excluded.
  • The paths shall not contain partially downloaded files that do not have the *.part extension. This is crucial because such files will disrupt the hashing system used to recognize files.

Keyboard shortcuts

  • CtrlN Create a new playlist.
  • CtrlO Open a video.
  • CtrlF Filter playlists by name.
  • CtrlM Hide or Display missing playlists.
  • CtrlH Hide or Display hidden playlists.

Videos menu

Videos Menu

The videos menu allows to visualize all the content of a playlist, and to manage its settings.


  • Play a video with a double left-click.
  • Open a video's menu with a right-click.
  • Modify the columns to display by doing a right-click in the videos-list header.
  • Resize the player by grabbing the separator with and moving it up or down.

Remark: It is not possible to remove videos while the playlist is loading, or it is discovering new videos.

Keyboard shortcuts

  • Backspace Go back to the playlists' menu.
  • CtrlS Open the settings menu.
  • CtrlH Hide or Show ignored videos.
  • CtrlR Rename the selected video.
  • CtrlO Open the directory of the selected video.
  • CtrlV Fill the selected video's progress (mark them as viewed).
  • CtrlU Reset the selected video's progress (mark them as un-viewed).
  • CtrlI Ignore the selected videos.
  • CtrlJ Un-ignore the selected videos.
  • CtrlD Delete the selected videos.
  • CtrlL Move the selected videos one row down.
  • CtrlT Move the selected videos one row up.

Media Player

Media Player


  • Change the volume with the mouse wheel.
  • Toggle Play/Pause with a left-click, but only in fullscreen.

Keyboard shortcuts

  • F11 to set fullscreen.
  • Fullscreen only:
    • Esc Quit fullscreen mode.
    • Up/Down Increase or Decrease the volume.
    • Spacebar or Enter Play or Pause the current video.


  • If a video has a *.srt file with the same name and same location, it will be used as the default subtitle.
  • The player controls only work if a video is loaded.


The location of the configuration files is the following:

  • GNU-Linux

    • Configuration file: ~/.config/phantom-player.ini
    • Playlist files & icons: ~/.local/share/phantom-player/
  • Windows

    • Configuration file: C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\PhantomPlayer\phantom-player.ini
    • Playlist files & icons: C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\PhantomPlayer\Playlists\

The content of this page is released under the Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license.